Jessica Marini
Oggi vogliamo raccogliere la testimonianza di Jessica Marini di Roma, che ha frequentato il Master TQM  Tourism Quality Management di Milano tramite il finanziamento regionale del bando Torno Subito.
La dottoressa Jessica Marini ha poi svolto lo stage presso il nostro partner IHG Crowne Plaza Roma St. Peters dove ha avuto l’opportunità di seguire il programma IHG Academy.
“Ho lavorato con persone che amano il loro lavoro e mi sono sentita ispirata da loro”. E’ ciò che afferma Jessica Marini , e alla domanda cosa suggerirebbe che gli altri che pensano di lavorare nell’ospitalità risponde senza dubbio “lavorare sodo ed essere ispirati dai colleghi più esperti.” Jessica Marini vorrebbe costruire la sua carriera in una grande azienda internazionale come IHG,e gestire un gruppo di persone, come front office manager o di un responsabile relazioni con gli ospiti.
Jessica Marini ha partecipato al  Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management, grazie al quale ha avuto la possibilità di acquisire esperienza con il programma IHG Academy – una delle tante opportunità per chi proviene dai Master dal Gruppo Uninform.
Riportiamo la testimonianza integrale come presente sul sito dell’ IHG Academy in lingua inglese

Hotel Testimonial

Davide Grilli, the General Manager of the Crowne Plaza Rome St. Peter’s is incredibly supportive of all of IHG’s corporate responsibility programs. He considers corporate responsibility a new approach which is key to winning over consumers and in the business market, where having a corporate responsibility strategy is a strength for the hotel and a selling point. He understands that implementing corporate responsibility programs can be difficult, but believes it is crucial to engage staff by setting an example for them. Davide concludes, “I would have to recommend to my colleagues because IHG Academy is a free tool that we can use. I think the program is very easy to run in the hotel, you just have to have mentors inside the hotel and have the right people, and if your leadership team are the right people to help you then it is very easy.”

Participant Testimonial

One of the highlights for Jessica was that the placement gave her the chance, “to work with people that really love their job and I felt really inspired by them.” Jessica would suggest that others thinking of interning in the hospitality would also use the opportunity, “to work hard and be inspired by experienced colleagues.” Jessica would like to build her career in a large international company such as IHG in order to one day be in charge of a group of people, as perhaps a front office manager or a guest relations manager.

Partner Information

Jessica undertook a Masters in Tourism & Hospitality Management, where she was offered the chance to gain hands on experience through the IHG Academy program – an opportunity sourced by the Uninform Group.


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